
  • 30 Second Jingle

    $5.99 USD One Time
    Order Now
    • Send us your script (using the form below), the title and artist of the music you want to be applied, tell us voice type (male or female) and we will produce you a great jingle! 30 Second Jingle is $5.99 or 120 rays.
  • 45 Second Jingle

    $6.99 USD One Time
    Order Now
    • Send us your script (using the form below), the title and artist of the music you want applied, tell us voice type (male or female) and we will produce you a great jingle! 45 Second Jingle is $6.99 or 140 rays.
  • 60 Second Jingle

    $8.99 USD One Time
    Order Now
    • Send us your script (using the form below), the title and artist of the music you want to be applied, tell us voice type (male or female) and we will produce you a great jingle! 60 Second Jingle is $8.99 or 180 rays.
  • 1.5 Jingle

    $11.99 USD One Time
    Order Now
    • Send us your script (using the form below), the title and artist of the music you want applied, tell us voice type (male or female) and we will produce you a great jingle! 1 1/2 Minute Jingle is $11.99 or 240 rays.
  • 2 Minute Jingle

    $18.00 USD One Time
    Order Now
    • Send us your script (using the form below), the title and artist of the music you want to be applied, tell us voice type (male or female) and we will produce you a great jingle! 2 Minute Jingle is $18.00 or 360 rays.