Can two DJs stream at the same time on the same account?

YES!  you can dual-team a show with 2 DJs but not by sharing the stream.

Assuming you're using SAM Broadcaster Professional...

Basically one DJ takes the broadcast lead and streams to the relay service port that all the listeners will use to listen in on the show. This DJ usually has the master list of music to be programmed for the show with a copy available to the partner DJ. This way each can take proper credit for song programming when their contribution is scheduled to be played.

You use VAC [Virtual Audio Cables] to enable Skype integration on that SAM installation.

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The other DJ uses Skype to participate in the program.

Now the give and take between the DJs is not immediate and it takes a bit of self-training to get used to this but with some practice the DJs can chat with each other and the broadcast lead will cue the music. The audience will hear all of this.

This method will introduce a 1 - 2 second timing delay in the conversation between the DJs but with practice you can eliminate this delay by how you chat with each other....


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  • DJs, Streams, Account
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