צפייה במאמרים שסומנו 'DJs'
Can I allow my DJ's to access my Centova Cast?
We love answering your question about this topic. If we were to be your provider, you can access...
Can two DJs stream at the same time on the same account?YES! you can dual-team a show with 2 DJs but not by sharing the stream.Assuming you're using SAM...
How do I add a DJ in WHMSonic?Open your WHMSonic Control panel2. Look at the menu on the left and select "DJ Manager"3. You...
How do I become a DJ on RLC or Second Life?How do I become a DJ in RLC or Second Life? We are here to help!We love answering your question...
How do I create a DJ Account with Centova Cast and connect SAM Broadcaster to SHOutcast v2?We love answering your question about this topic. If we were to be your provider, you can access...
How do I enter the DJ of the Month Contest?We love answering your question about this topic. If we were to be your provider, you can access...
How do my DJ's connect when they want to "Go Live"?As of the latest versions of WHMSonic and Centova, you can now use the popular DJ Feature built...