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Can I allow my DJ's to access my Centova Cast?We love answering your question about this topic. If we were to be your provider, you can access...
Can I set up Multiple kbps rates on One Account?We love answering your question about this topic. If we were to be your provider, you can...
Can my listeners request songs?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
Centova Directory warning popup Code 49497665Why am I seeing Centova Directory warning popup Code 49497665 We love answering your question...
Do You Have a Centova User's Manual?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How Do I Upload Music and add them to a playlist in Centova?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How Do I Use The Playlist Manager in Centova?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How can I change my Centvova Encoder Password?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How can I change my Centvova Password?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How do I List My Stream in the Shoutcast Directory?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How do I Stop/Start the AutoDJ in Centova?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How do I add a Centova Widget to my website?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How do I create a DJ Account with Centova Cast and connect SAM Broadcaster to SHOutcast v2?We love answering your question about this topic. If we were to be your provider, you can access...
How do I go to Live Broadcasting using CentovaWe love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How do I insert ads into my stream?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How do I schedule a broadcast?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How do I set up a Relay in Centova?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How do I upload my mp3 files for use with my Streaming AutoDJ feature ?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How do I use the intro and backup file part of Centova?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How does the automatic live/autoDJ switching feature for IceCast work?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
How Do I access my Centova Control Panel and What does is look like?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
I am a Club owner in RLC and use your stream, how do I get started?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
I changed my AutoDJ encoder type to MP3 and now my stream is downWe love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
I changed my password in Centova Cast but now cannot connect to stream!We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
I have Centova Control Panel, How do I create and schedule a play-list?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
I have a Centova Streaming Plan but the Statistic Relay in SAM Broadcaster says 404 error. How can I fix this?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
I have a Shoutcast v1 Account how do I set up the encoder in Centova Control Panel?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
I have a new Centova Account and use SAM Broadcaster and cannot get the encoder to work. What's wrong?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
I have the Centova 224 kbps Plan, but it is only streaming at 128 kbps. What’s wrong?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
I ordered LiquidSoap, is there an user's manual?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
I use Centova and cannot get the AutoDJ to start, what's wrong?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
I use Centova and every DJ gets "invalid password" error when starting their encoder. What's wrong?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
I use Centova, how do I create a playlist?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
Is There a Video on how to use Centova?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
Is there a Centova Panel Overview?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
Is there a Reseller Manual for Centova?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!r Centova Reseller...
Is there an User Guide for Centova?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
My Centova stream says Auto DJ is offline, what's wrong?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
My radio station is not showing up in the public Shoutcast.com directoryWe love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
My shoutcast link dosen't have play button, what's wrong?We are here to help!We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to...
Stream is looping for a few secondsWe love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
Streaming live with Sam Broadcaster & IceCastWe love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
The Current Listeners page in Centova isn't actually showing the current listeners!We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
The Recent Tracks Are Not being Displayed In my Centova Panel, what's wrong?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
Understanding Centova PlaylistWe love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
What Does the Centova Panel Look Like?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
What do I need to do to get a Centova Streaming Plan?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
What is Auto DJ and how do I use it?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
What is Introduction and Fallback File?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
What is Liquidsoap and how does it work?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
Where are the Auto DJ controls in Centova Cast?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...
Why do I constantly receive email that my Centova server has restarted?We love answering your question about this topic. We are here to help!Consider making us your...